So, as ever I bought a few things. Surprise, surprise.
Start with the products.
So, I was in dire need of a new hair dryer, mine smells like it's going to blow up at any moment. It's also a real heavy one, gyah! So, I've just bought this little cutie! It is actually purple, not blue. It's by Babyliss. I'm impressed with it, it's small and quite powerful, lightweight too, this means it'll be perfect for when we go on holiday soon!
I saw this bag and just had to have it! It's a hold all, weekend bag, I guess, using this will beat using my shoulder bags to carry everything to my fiance's at the weekend! Also useful for my upcoming holiday! My carry everything in bag! I have a scarf (also Primark) in this pattern, but it's in blue. Also got a cute little bracelet!
Bag: £8
Bracelet: £2.50

I have an obsession with writer; Rachel Caine. It's newly discovered, her Morganville Vampire series sure as hell beats the Twilight Saga, though my absolute fave series are the Weather Warden ones. My gorgeous fiance, Craig, decided to buy me these books, because I hadn't got them and needed to know what happens next!I bought the Tresemme on recommendation of Lizz, my future sister-in-law, and beauty blogger. It's a heat defense spray. I've been dying my hair since I was 14 years old, now I'm 20, so that's some heavy damage! Lately it's been in better condition as I've fought tooth and claw to get it so, but I do use a hair dryer and straightners alot, so I decided to use this. It makes my hair super shiny and it smells nice!
Hair dryer: £15.29
Tresemme Heat Defense: £4.99
Hair dryer: £15.29
Tresemme Heat Defense: £4.99
Bag: £8
Bracelet: £2.50
I'm so out of date with music! I've been meaning to get these albums since they came out, uh.....years ago! I like katy Perry's kookiness and Paolo Nutini's voice.
Albums: 2 for £10
Albums: 2 for £10
And finally!
It's Craig's mommy's birthday tomorrow! So we took her out for a meal, we also bought her a . I camwhored along the way, un edited.
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