Monday, 3 October 2011

Thoughts on WWE

I've mentioned before that I am a wrestling fan, I watch Raw and Smackdown weekly and I even try to catch the PPVs, I'm not an expert on the subject though I am a fan.

I watched WWE Heat when I was about 10 years old, and I thought it was brilliant. My Nan would tape it for me on the Sunday night then I'd watch it after school on a Monday. When I say night, I mean the 1AM it'd air over here. That made it even more exciting.

I remember the episode of Heat before Wrestlemania, that was so enthralling! I was so happy that Christmas when my brother had bought me the tape of that Wrestlemaia, which I still have.

I guess I outgrew wrestling for a while, by while I mean years, practically my teenage years when make up, pink, clothes and Reese Witherspoon movies became my obsession.

I started getting back into it in 2009, when I was catching up on dvds with Craig, establishing a new favourite in The Miz and meeting him by the end of the year, not bad huh?

(I can see that I've fallen into the trap of starting each paragraph with 'I', ugh).

So now, I'm wondering why the WWE have a PPV every 2 weeks? Surely this isn't enough time to establish the great feuds that there used to be. They used to feel special, these must see PPV's, must see TV! Why not reduce the price if they're this frequent? pay the full price for the main 4. Hell, even Wrestlemania this year didn't seem like a special PPV in the storyline sense.
Mostly I was pissed off by the fact that The Corre's tag match was over in under 5minutes and that it was heel tactics on the face's side! Pissed me off! They completely booked it wrong too, and don't get me started on the Snooki match, ffs.

The Corre disbanded and Edge retired, Z!TLIS became super popular and now Zack's actually winning on Raw. Cena was champ again, so was Orton, predictable and boring if you ask me. Cena wasted 2 picks in the draft when they could've drafted talented guys, including Zack Ryder, who I was in the live chat with, poor bugger. Other things have happened, like Cody Rhodes's "mutilation" and Azure/Negro Sin Caras. None of the titles have seemed to matter, and Kelly Kelly's title reign is ridiculous, girl can't wrestle.

I will say that things are starting to look up at the present time, even if it's just a brief glimmer, it's there. Rhodes is a great IC champion, I love the Awesome Truth, the Tag Teams Titles seem to be being made more important, hell, the tag division is glimmering at the moment, it looks like they're rebuilding it, let's hope it shines. I can see good things for the lacking Divas Division if they keep the likes of Beth Phoenix/Natalya/Karma in the spotlight, women who can wrestle as opposed to the cookie cutter Barbie doll types. Just think Stupid Girls by Pink and that's the majority of the Divas roster.

At first the whole C.M. Punk angle was really exciting, so fresh and controversial! But now it's getting quite stale, the WWE definitely ran it well at first, but they didn't let it run long enough, his WWE absence I mean. He should've been away longer, made more appearances like ComiCon, more radio rants and youtube videos... like The Miz is currently doing. Even Cena was fired at one point, yet he managed to cause mayhem where he went.

And are we forgetting the Anonymous Raw General Manager? Where have they been for the past few months? Has their absence been explained and I've missed it?

Though there is the case of Randy Orton, who, on a PG show continued to attack and even busted open Rhodes, blood everywhere. To me, a blood thirsty 21 year old who finds Sid Viscious's leg break to be hilarious, that was too much. Yet the crowd loved it, raise the age rating already WWE, stop aiming at a small percentage of your viewing demographic.

This has turned out to be a long post, and I could go on, but for now I wont, perhaps I'll save it for another day. So, for now;

Peace, love and all that jazz. xo

1 comment:

  1. This is why I watch TNA a lot more, but even that is getting stale now, this Triple H storyline is good though, loving how it is going and it's bringing out the gullible fan in me.
