Ultraclear Acne Cream
A while ago, pretty much back when i started this blog, I mentioned this cream, though I said I wouldn't review it until I'd given it a proper test run.
What They Say:
Some [customers] will notice a visible improvement after just one application. Seven days is the normal time it takes to notice a big improvement in the condition of your skin. Your skin will look clearer, will make you feel better, will feel great and look healthy.
What I Say:
I've been using this product for the best part of a year now and I think the cream alone isn't a wonder cure, you need a good skincare routine, but it does work.
I prefer to use it as a 'base moisturiser' once I've cleansed my skin, I use UltraClear then apply eyecream and then my day cream. It really goes on like a dream, spreads so easily and you don't have to use too much at one time.
I have noticed a difference over the course of me using this cream, my skin is alot clearer than it used to be, brighter too, somehow.
Even using it daily it lasts months, so it is worth the money.
The only problem I have with it is them smell, which is quite unpleasant, until you get used to it, then you don't notice it at all.
So with that;
Peace, love and all that jazz. xo
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