I wonder, in this digital age, how many of us carry books in our bags?
I do, they make longer journeys easier. I swap them depending on my mood, and I have been known to carry my hardback Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in my bag. Here I give you my opinions of books, that I have read, and think that would make an enjoyable read on the go, or whilst simply relaxing.

The book I currently have in my bag is: Ricky Gervais presents The World of Karl Pilkington
I purchased this book due to my current obsession with the comedic trio of Gervais, Merchant and, the afore mentioned, Pilkington. I find this particular book to be delightful, though it is the transcripts of the sketches seen in season one of The Ricky Gervais Show, it's accompanied by simple yet brilliant illustrations straight from the hand of Pilkington himself.
Though I already know the content of this book, it still makes me laugh, and the fact that it's sectioned into 'chapters' and has no linear narrative means that you can pick it up at random, choosing which section you'd like to read, or in some cases just browse the illustrations.
Pilkington's naivity and simpleness really make him a loveable character, and in no way could you take offense to anything he says, this is what makes him so funny. Combine then, this character with the intellectual, and funny in his own right, character of Merchant and the big character that is Gervais, and you have a comedically great trio who will have you laughing for hours.
These are some of the reasons that this is a great bag book, but I implore you to read it yourself.
I found my copy in my local HMV for £4.
Peace, love and all that jazz. xo
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